Leading a High-Tech Employment Revolution in the Eastern Negev

Initiative led by the Eastern Negev Eshkol and partnered with 15 Eastern Negev area authorities.

A comprehensive program with a 5-year plan

The 'Negev Talent' project began in late 2022, with our first successful courses launched for Eastern Negev residents in June 2024. Our goal is to enhance the professional development of the local population while supporting businesses in the region. The initiative includes strategies for attracting high-tech companies and improving existing infrastructure in the Eastern Negev within five years. Join us in meeting these ambitious goals!


Account Based Marketing

Targeted outreach to southern based high-tech companies. 

  • Workforce development
  • local recruitment

Targeted outreach to High-tech companies throughout the country

Employer Guidance & Recruitment Support

  • Tailored offerings
  • Eelplace
  • Employer guidance

High-tech Community

  • Local population in High-tech
  • Upskill courses and training
  • “Friends bring friends”

Negev Talent Course Graduates

New community members join at the end of each course